Course Description


BG 101 Bible Study Methods

This is an introductory course which deals with the basic principles of Bible study. Through this course various ways and systems such as topical bible study, thematic method, chapter summary method, character study etc will be introduced to the students. This course will improve the student’s spirituality and interest in reading, understanding, preaching and teaching from the Bible.

BG 102 Biblical Hermeneutics

This course introduces methods of studying and interpreting the Bible. It deals with importance of correct interpretation and its influence on developing Christian theology, various schools of interpretation, and history of interpretations. It focuses on authorial intent, the role of presuppositions, the importance of context and the grammatical - historical method of understanding the Bible and all its genres. To accomplish the practical purpose of the study, sufficient exegetical studies of the selected passages are given to the students.

BL 101 Elementary Greek

This course is intended to provide students with the fundamentals of the grammar, syntax and vocabulary the New Testament Greek that would enable the learner to understand the New Testament in its original language and translate simple Greek sentences into English.

BL 102 Advance Greek

Advance Greek is an introductory course given with the purpose of enabling the students to read and write New Testament Greek and translate it into English. It also helps students to make exegetical studies on their own, rightly dividing the word of God and fetch the divine intent as perfect as possible.

BN 103 Acts of the Apostles

This is a study of the book of Acts focusing on the origin and development of the early church. It deals especially with the first century Christian strategies for evangelism and church planting. This course also gives considerable focus on Paul’s missionary journeys and its present significance.

BN 104 Romans

This course entails a detailed exegetical exploration into Book of Romans. It focuses on the Major themes and theology of these books. The specific focus of these courses is on developing the student’s ability to apply exegetical and research methods in the study of Scripture.

BN 105 New Testament Survey

This course directs students to survey each book of N T that which lead them in to a comprehensive use of the 27 books. This course also provides main details of each books such as, Background, Date, Occasion of Writing, Purpose, Recipient, Main Themes and Application. The foremost aim of this survey is to guide the student in to seeing how the message of each NT book is organized structurally. This study discusses about the backgrounds of each book and much information, which is not supplied by the text of the Bible book itself.

BN 106 Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ

This is a study about the life and ministry of Jesus Christ from His birth to resurrection and ascension based on the synoptic gospels. The life and teachings of Jesus is considered as the first and foremost example for Christian life and would encourage students to think and act as Jesus did. Consideration is also given to Jesus’ teaching on such topics such as the Kingdom of God, ethics, discipleship, and eschatology as well as to the significance of his miraculous actions.

BN 107 Pauline Theology

Through this course the major theological themes found in the writings of apostle Paul will be taught. By this course the students will understand how Pauline theology shaped the doctrinal structure of the church and Christian life. The students will also come to realize that the major teachings on God, Christ, Holy Spirit, man, sin, Justification, salvation, sanctification etc are based on the epistles written by apostle Paul. This course will give the students a growing interest in the key emphases of Paul’s theology and also in taking up the contemporary theological issues.

BN 108 Johannine thoughts

This is the study of the books written by John in the New Testament (Fourth Gospel, Johannine Epistles and Revelation). The different interpretation methods and the major themes of Johannine theology are given priority.

BN 109 Introduction to New Testament

This is an introductory course of the New Testament, beginning with a discussion of topics related to the study of the New Testament (language, canon, text) and a review of its historical and social contexts. The course then examines in overview, the style of the major literary works that form the New Testament: the Gospels and Acts; the Pauline and General Epistles; and the Revelation. All the New Testament books are studied with attention to matters of authorship, date, place, and context for writing, structure and theological content.

BN 110 Book of Acts

This course focuses on the origin and development of the early Church as recorded in the Book of Acts. This course is also intended to understand the first century Christian strategies for evangelism and church planting.

BN 111 New Testament Theology

The aim will be to give general understanding of the basic tents of the New Testament theology. The method to be adopted will be both analytical and synthetic, so as to bring out both the variety and unity of the New Testament.

BO 104 Old Testament Survey

This course examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life and thought of ancient Israel. In order to better understand the material in the Old Testament. The historical background, context, authorship, and issues of each book is considered.

BO 105 Introduction to Old Testament

This study provides an introductory survey that examines the basic composition and biblical content of the Old Testament as well as the core history of Israel with their relationships to other contemporaneous Near Eastern peoples. This course will also help students in developing a foundational understanding of hermeneutical and exegetical method and fundamental theological themes as they interface with the Old Testament canonical literature.

BO 106 Old Testament Theology

This study aims at a general examination of the main themes of Old Testament theology like God, creation, fall of man, redemption, promises and preparation of Messiah’s coming with particular reference to specified texts.

BO 107  Vision and mission of prophets

This course aim is to Study the life and teachings of the pre- exile, exile and post exile prophets in the Old Testament. This course will also help students to understanding a foundational development of vision and Mission’s of prophets.

BO 123 History of Israel

This course sketches out the history of Israel from the conquest and settlement of the Promised Land to the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the Jews based on the Biblical witness of the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 - 2 Samuel and 1 - 2 Kings. The course looks at the key features of the conquest of Canaan and its spiritual significances.


HH 501 History of Christianity

This course is designed to introduce the students to selected events from the establishment of the church at Jerusalem till the present time. The focus is upon the challenges that the church faced through the centuries as it had to go through both internal and external threats. Emphasis is also given to the people who contributed towards the church as well as society.

HH 502 History of Christianity from Early Church to Pre Reformation

This course covers a period from the establishment of the church at Jerusalem till 590 A.D. The students will be introduced to the origin, development and impact of the church during this period. The course deals with struggles both internal and external and how the church has been sustained in this formative period.

HH 503 History of Christianity from Reformation to Present Day

This course is a study on the characteristics of Christianity from Reformation to the contemporary period. Since the Reformation is connected with medieval period, the students are introduced to the characteristics of medieval history of the Church and secular history as well. The emergence of Post Reformation denominations and modern movements will be highlighted.

HH 504 History of Ecumenical Movements

This course examines the historical development of the ecumenical movement in global Christianity. The study traces its origin, growth, development, the key themes and ideologies. The contributions of persons and institutions in the ecumenical movement are also considered for their contribution towards the cooperation of the churches in the areas of world evangelism and social involvement.

HH 521 History of Christianity in India

This course covers History of Christianity in India, its advent in the first century, its advancement in the midst of adversities and its unique impact in the Indian society in the areas of educational and philanthropic activities. This course helps students to understand the contribution made by Christianity towards the societal transformation and nation building of India.

HH522 Great Personalities in Early Church

This course introduces great personalities in the early church who remarkably made known the mystery of the Gospel through their life and Valued ministry and their strategies throughout the history of Christianity. It also will give the student a clear understanding on why God placed by and how precious the final result that they bring forth for the glory of God.


MD 401 Christian Education

This course is a basic introduction to Christian education. It explains the theological root and principles of Christian education. It is designed to explain the healthy triangular relationship between parents, the church and the school. It helps the students to have a clearer understanding of how education nurtures people and communities.

MM 401 Pastoral Care and Counseling

This course is an introduction to the theology and practice of pastoral care, psychology and counseling. The study facilitates the student to have basic skills, right attitude, knowledge, and spiritual character to provide meaningful and faithful pastoral care and counseling. Emphasis is on the practical matters for the local pastor.

MM 402 Homiletics

This course trains the students for effective communication of God’s word. The aim of this course is to help students in the preparation and preaching of sermons. This course is intended to teach students to keep up with the laws of Homiletics while preaching inorder to enable them to attain mastery over the art of preaching.

MM 403 Life and Work of a Missionary

This course deals with the meaning of mission and missionary work, desirable qualifications of a missionary and the various challenges involved in being a missionary. The student is also introduced to challenging biographies of missionaries across the world.

MM 404 Introduction to Worship and Liturgy

This is an introductory course that offers Biblical and theological foundation of Christian worship and liturgy. It provides basic information on the history of Christian worship and liturgy. Special attention goes to the theology of sacraments, the sacred actions of worship, music and arts in worship, worship and culture and liturgical traditions.      

MM 405 Communication in Christian Ministry

This course deals the importance of communication in Christian ministry. It provides practical and theoretical to strengthen communication competencies of students in the Christian ministry environment. Concepts of communication theory are applied to ministry contexts.

MM 406 Christian Spirituality

This course is a study of the basics of Christian spirituality according to the principles and practices of the Bible. The course concentrates on Christian ways of improving ones spirituality through prayer, sanctification, spiritual warfare, corporate fellowship and disciplined personal and family life. The learners will also get an opportunity to integrate the principles of spirituality with the God given talents and ministry that they would accomplish them fruitfully.

MM 408 Leadership and Church Management

This course deals with the fundamental Biblical traits of a leader and identifies the various characteristics and responsibilities in the areas of church leadership and management for the smooth and undisturbed functions of the church.

MS  401 Strategies for Church Planting and Growth

This course introduces the theological foundation and basic strategies for church planting and growth. The course familiarizes the students with resources to understand the dynamics of the most effective methods and strategies of church growth. It also introduces the basic principles of Church planting including issues such as getting started support base and structures, demographics, the person of the church planter and holistic ministry issues.

MS  402 Mission and Evangelism

This is an introductory course that provides the Biblical and theological perspective of mission and evangelism. It also introduces the theory and practice of evangelism, and it guides the students in the application of both Biblical and practical principles. Evangelism and social involvements are also discussed as authentic expressions of love which longs to serve people in their need.

MS 403 Theology of Mission

This course is designed to study theological foundations of mission. It examines primarily the New Testament, including the church’s responsibility to the nations, the mandates of Jesus Christ, and Pauline missiology. The course also considers contemporary issues.


PA 301 Christian Apologetics

This course is a survey of the history and fundamentals of Christian Apologetics. It shows how reason and scientific inquiry can be allied in defending the existence of God, authority of the Bible and the historical truth claims of Jesus Christ. The different methodologies used in Apologetics are introduced in this course. This study also focuses on the philosophical, logical, and biblical defense of Christian beliefs using the writings of the church fathers and philosophers through the ages.

PA 302 Evangelistic Apologetics

This course is a survey of the history and fundamentals of Christian Apologetics. It shows how reason and scientific inquiry can be allied in defending the Existence of God and the historical truth claims of Jesus Christ. Different kinds of methods used in the subject shall be introduced in this course. This study also focuses on philosophical, logical, and biblical defense of Christian belief using the writings of the church fathers and philosophers through the ages.

PA 321 Introduction to Major Cults

This introductory study on major cults provides the students an awareness regarding various spurious teachings and trends existing in the Christian realm. Knowing such kind of teachings in the light of the word of God would facilitate the learners to respond to them as part of explicating and defending the truth of the Bible. This course also imparts various mission strategies to deal with various cultic groups and their teachings.

PP 321 Introduction to Philosophy with Special Reference to Indian Philosophy

This is a brief survey of philosophy with special attention given to Indian philosophy. The course also gives importance to the contemporary developments and approaches in philosophy. The students are made aware of the need for philosophical foundation to defend the Christian world view.


TE 201 Biblical Ethics

This course is given with a purpose of moulding the students to develop their ethical understanding purely based on the biblical resources that have been revealed by God. This course will help the students to face the challenges of the contemporary life situations like standard of authority, professional ethics, socio-ethical issues, ecology and responsible and planned parenthood.

TE 202 Christian Ethics

This module deals with the precepts on how Christians should live, what they can and cannot do, and the kind of persons they must be. This course also deals with the development of Christian ethics and considers similarities and differences in the ethical approaches within Christendom. Contemporary moral issues and concerns such as war and peace, terrorism, economics, the environment, globalization, capital punishment, euthanasia, abortion, cloning etc will be addressed so as to enable the students to respond to them on the basis biblical ethical teaching.

TR 201 Major Religions in India

This is a survey of religions with special emphasis on the predominant religions of the Indian subcontinent. The significant teachings and practices of each religion will be taught in detail and will be evaluated in biblical perspective. This course will also deal with the missionary approach towards other faiths.

TR 202 Introduction to Indian Society and Culture

This is an introductory course that studies about Indian societies and their diverse culture. This course focuses on the belief and practices of the different people groups of India. This course also considers the significance of understanding and analyzing the social structure as part of evangelism.

TR 203 Modern Religious and Secular Movements

This is a survey of contemporary religious movements, social movements, and modern trends of the world, and its relevance to evangelization at large.

TR 205 General Introduction to Indian Society

This is a course intended to impart preliminary awareness of formation, structure and divisions of Indian Society. Through this course the students will be able to understand the ethnic, linguistic, religious, cultural, political, educational and economic diversity of the country. By the this course would be able analyze and evaluate the Indian societies as a whole and the particular locality where the learner is placed to carry out God's ministry and thereby to envisage a strategy to reach the people based on their station, need and necessity.

TT 201 Introduction to Christian Theology

This course introduces Christian theology to the students that will give them an understanding of the beginning and development of Christian belief and practices. This course also gives an outline of the historical development of traditional Christian doctrines. The students will also come across various historical figures who contributed towards safeguarding the Christian church from opposition and criticism during the course of spreading of Christianity worldwide.

TT 202 Systematic Theology

This is a course that deals with Christian theology that formulates a systematic, rational, and coherent account of the Christian faith and beliefs. In this course an overview all major topics such as bibliology, revelation, God, creation and divine providence, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, eschatology. This course endeavors to enable learners to think theologically and construct a biblical worldview that makes the Christian’s witness relevant to all people in need.

TT 203 Dispensationalism

This course is to Study of Biblical interpretation system, which seeks to understand the light of God in the light of dispensational methods of interpretation, special attention will be given to its history, hermeneutics, and major objection to it

TT 204 Indian Christian Theology

This course introduces the students to the Indian Christian theological traditions and contributions beginning from Saint Thomas Christians to the present day theological trends of contextualization, addressing fresh and challenging issues of Dalits, Adivasis, women etc. The theological contributions of Nehemiah Goreh, Upadhyaya, Sadhu Sundar Singh, P. Chenchiah, V. Chakkarai, P.D. Devanandan, Swami Abhishiktananda, M.M. Thomas, S. J. Samartha, Raimond Panikkar, K. P. Aliaz etc are introduced to students.

TT 205 Contextual Theology

This course aims to provide students with an introduction to the study and practice of theology. It will look at what theology is, who does theology, where it is done, and for what purpose. The traditional sources of theological reflection, such as the Bible, traditions, experience and reason will be examined. The contextuality of all theologies will be stressed, and the relativity of traditional Western theology will be exposed, and newer approaches to theology will be explored, including liberation theologies of the two-thirds world.

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